pp108 : Creating a Role

Creating a Role

This topic describes the procedure to create a role.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of a systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to create a role.

Creating a role will help you define the privileges, that you can associate with a user. This enables the user to use certain features of Process Platform and perform specific tasks.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (User Manager). The User Manager window appears.
  2. Select Roles - Roles View or Roles - Users View or Roles - Tasks View in the User Manager window and click . The Create Role page appears.
  3. Type a name in the Name field.
  4. Roles available with the current organization and those in application package are displayed in the Roles pane.
  5. Select the required roles and move them to the Selected Roles pane by clicking .
    Note: The new role will derive the privileges of the selected role. Unwanted roles can be removed from the Selected Roles pane by clicking .
  6. Click Save button .

    A role is created. After creating a role, if you wish to edit the details, right-click the role and select Edit option.

    Note: Select Include internal roles option to assign the internal roles such as everyone role.

Related tasks

Editing Role Details
Deleting Roles
Configuring ACL for Roles

Related reference

Roles - Roles View
Roles - Tasks View
Roles - Users View